Religions of RGB

The Engineers

Vyncan the Architect - CG  Goddess of Innovation, invention and creative solutions, creator of humanity, sister of Vilda.  Holy Symbol:  An open palm with fingers spread.  Domains - Artifice, Good, Luck, Chaos.  Favored Weapon:  Any sword.  Favored Animal:  Otter

Vilda the Actress -  CN  Goddess of Theatre, Prophecy and Madness, Creator of halflings, sister of Vyncan.  Holy Symbol:  A theatre mask.  Domains - Chaos, Charm, Community, Madness, Travel.  Favored Weapon:  Short sword, dagger or sling.  Favored Animal:  Peacock

Gruus the Tester - NG  God of Names and Alchemy, Creator of gnomes.  Holy Symbol:  A beaker half filled.  Domains - Artifice, Knowledge, Good, Magic, Rune.  Favored Weapon: Club or Morningstar.  Favored Animal:  Owl

Heli the Unseeing - LG  Goddess of the Sun.  Holy Symbol:  A golden disc.  Domains - Law, Good, Sun, Healing, Protection.  Favored Weapon:  Scimitar, Falchion or Khopesh.  Favored Animal:  Horse

lsolon the Warden - CG  Creator of the elves, Goddess of Forests, woodcraft, archery and natural life.  Holy Symbol:  An oak tree silhouette, or an oak leaf, or two crossed arrows.  Domains - Animal, Plant, Chaos, War, Good.  Favored Weapon:  Any bow.  Favored Animal: Wolf

Aeloudarius the Just - LG  God of Justice and Righteous Wrath.  Holy Symbol:  A sword pointed tip downward.  Domains - Law, Good, Strength, Destruction, Protection.  Favored Weapon:  Any sword.  Favored Animal:  Bear

Dramul the Eschaton - CE  The God of Destruction and Endings.  Unholy Symbol:  A half-shattered skull.  Domains - Chaos, Evil, Destruction, Fire, Ruins.  Favored Weapon:  Any axe.  Favored Animal:  Gorilla

Ma'Hazal the Maker - LG  Creator of the dwarves, God of Mountains, metal and mining.  Holy Symbol:  A hammer and anvil, or three mountains in silhouette, the center mountain being the highest.  Domains - Law, Good, Artifice, Glory, Earth.  Favored Weapon:  Warhammer or Maul.  Favored Animal:  Mole

Drez'Zur the Arcane -  LN  God of The Flow, magic, and Opener of the ways.  Holy symbol:  An open doorway.  Domains - Law, Magic, Knowledge, Void, Weather.  Favored Weapon:  Staff.  Favored Animal:  Black cat

The Nightraven - LE  God of Organized Crime and the night.  Unholy Symbol:  An eclipse or thin ring.  Domains - Law, Evil, Trickery, Darkness, Charm.  Favored Weapon:  Dagger.  Favored Animal: Raven

Taltosa the Taker  - N  Goddess of Death.  Holy Symbol:  Skull and crossbones.  Domains -  Death, Luck, Repose, Healing, Vermin.  Favored Weapon:  Any mace.  Favored Animal:  Scorpion

Gormek the Conqueror - LE  Creator of goblinkind.  God of Conquest, Oppression and Slavery.  Unholy Symbol:  A shackle.  Domains - Earth, Evil, Law, Strength, War.  Favored Weapon: Any whip-like weapon.  Favored Animal:  Worg
