Rules of Character Creation

1. Characters will be built using Point Buy rules as in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.  They will be built with 15 points as per Standard Fantasy.

2. Characters in RGB WILL have backgrounds.  How much those backgrounds matter in month-to-month roleplay depends on the player.  Hence, your two initial traits will be chosen among the possible choices provided by your background.  This background is as per the Complete Campaign rulebook, and it can be random or chosen per the individual player.

2a.   In addition to the two initial traits a character will begin with, you will also acquire an additional 2 skill ranks per level to spend on background skills.  A list of background skills can be found on the Pathfinder SRD website. (Go to Skills on the sidebar, then select from the Variant Skill Rules, Background Skills on the right side of the page).

3. All characters will begin at the 1st level of experience.

4. We will be using the Fast XP advancement speed.

5. Races available for play in Green (Hylas) are the following:

All Core Races (Dwarf, Human, Halfling, Half-elf, Elf, Gnome, Half-Orc)

Of the Uncommon Races:  Catfolk, Drow (standard only), Dhampir, Gu'chai (Goblin), Haruchai (Hobgoblin), Ifrit, Orc, Oread, Ratfolk, Sylph, and Undine.

6. All Classes are recognized (including the Unchained classes:  Barbarian, Monk, Rogue, and Summoner) with the exception of Gunslingers, Ninjas, Samurai, and Vigilantes.  Also no Occult Adventurer types.

7. As a result of the previous point, we will be incorporating the 'Skill Unlocks' rule system.

8. Not all Prestige Classes are recognized - see your GM for approval.

9. There are no alignment restrictions, other than those for class.  However, if you choose an evil alignment, you will be under the Antihero rules for Hero Points.  To wit, you will not receive nor start with any Hero Points, you simply begin the game with one more feat.

10. Hero Points are in effect.  You will start with 1.  If, on day 1 of the campaign, you bring pizza with mushrooms on it, you get another 1.  If you bring at least a six pack of beer and its not for you alone, you get another 1.  If you bring fuckin' tacos you get -1.  Chips, oreos, and beef jerky are +0.  If Bear Grylls drinks a gallon of his own piss, +0.  If you are playing an evil alignment and do any of the +1 items, you get a Plot Twist card instead.

11. We will be using the Variant Multiclass rules in Pathfinder Unchained as an option for those who want to multiclass but not lose levels or xp in their primary class.  Standard multiclassing is still available as well.

12. Plot Twist Cards - You start with 0 (The Gods don't give a damn about you...yet).  You only gain them through great roleplay, lucky odds, serendipitous circumstance, or GM fiat.  Also, if you are maxed out on Hero Points and you gain an extra one, you gain a Plot Twist card instead.

13. Fame points will be used.  At first individually and then as a group if the party concurs.  If the latter is preferred, it usually helps to have a group name for recognition purposes.

14.  RGB uses the mandatory esoteric material components system for spellcasting.  So spellcasters,  even sorcerers and oracles will need to be flush with gold and Knowledge (nature) would not be a bad skill to have.
